Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Singularity of the Pair


You Beautiful Woman
You unbelievable woman
What power you have
What mysterious magic
Your fresh flesh
whole and tight
able to make my muscles
tense and buzz
Your voice and reason
gives clarity

In a single moment of climax --
while the edges and corners still remain --
a sense of resolution presides
a distinct warmth and peace
(holy though unfounded)
rises and washes over me
departs from my lips
to spill onto yours

Oh, sacred connection
The unity of carnal consumption
as proxy to the soul's bond
enmeshed and aligned
with the Oneness of Two,
the singularity of the pair.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Paradise Lost


What do you do when you've
lost all passion?
when you've become lost
and don't care to find your
way home?

What is the sound of a man going crazy?

If this is all we have to look forward to,
what is the point of living another day.
There is no Franklian honor to the suffering,
just a Ticking Clock that will eventually run out.
And all I do is waste it.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Death From Above


There was no glamour in the death itself.

No fiery wreck

No magic bullet

No fall from the sky;

rather a

slow painful ugly end.

But it was a calculated one,

a long and carefully planned one:

not an inevitable train wreck

but a building collapsing in slo-mo.

The answer to a terrible riddle.

The only glory was taken by the tombstone:

Death by Self-Destruction.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hurt Composure


Everyone I know Goes away in the end.

-“Hurt” Nine Inch Nails

If Death and Loss are the inevitable ending to every relationship

If Separation and Disappearance (in one form or another)

are inescapable facts of existence

If the Other cannot journey with us into

the Unknow, the Next,

then how are we to view Love

how are we to view the long-term?

Love may be nothing more than a necessary reaction to attach us to

those who allow growth, change, learning

but nothing tells us that Love should be singular

because Love itself is not a singular emotion

Loving both Mother and Father does not diminish the feeling toward either

Commitment carries a sense of respectability and honor to it

but Forced Commitment echoes the loss of the Original Spark

(the reason for anything to exist to at all)

In the face of Death, of our own end

all things forced, all things without passion

all things barren of the Original Spark

seem a foolish waste of time;

Only things that expand the Heart

that allow the well of emotion to wash over us

that leave a piece of us for eternity

dull the Hurt.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

There Is An Abyss


There is an Abyss

to our lives;

an abyss most people

rarely bring up –

choose not to

talk or think about –

even though it occupies

a vast majority of

who we are.

We spend our lives

quartered off to the

well-lit anteroom,

while locked away

behind a clearly marked


is the dark Abyss that defines us.

Somewhere deep

and far beyond, hides

our demons, our passions

our secrets, our pain.

Those few brave enough

to venture in,

to explore the terrain

past the

shallow field of light the open door allows,

to discover the farthest corners

of their soul

(for all its beauty and repulsion),

enter a vast labyrinth of emptiness

that exists beyond,

and begin a

great and dangerous journey:

some never return

some lose their minds

some wind up alone and corroded

but if one is to find his way back,

He is all the better for it.

He has conquered the


deep within himself;

begun alone confused and searching,

He has retrieved the

hidden strength

that will forever light his path

and guard his integrity.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2010