Everyone I know Goes away in the end.
-“Hurt” Nine Inch NailsIf Death and Loss are the inevitable ending to every relationship
If Separation and Disappearance (in one form or another)
are inescapable facts of existence
If the Other cannot journey with us into
the Unknow, the Next,
then how are we to view Love
how are we to view the long-term?
Love may be nothing more than a necessary reaction to attach us to
those who allow growth, change, learning
but nothing tells us that Love should be singular
because Love itself is not a singular emotion
Loving both Mother and Father does not diminish the feeling toward either
Commitment carries a sense of respectability and honor to it
but Forced Commitment echoes the loss of the Original Spark
(the reason for anything to exist to at all)
In the face of Death, of our own end
all things forced, all things without passion
all things barren of the Original Spark
seem a foolish waste of time;
Only things that expand the Heart
that allow the well of emotion to wash over us
that leave a piece of us for eternity
dull the Hurt.
Copyright Oren Peleg 2010
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