Friday, October 30, 2009

The Strawberry Swing


I sat alone on the beach that night
my back on the sand
and looked up at the moon.
There, inside its cherubic white glow, was your face.

And then, the moon disappear,
instantly replaced by an
explosion of color:
a liquid ball of magenta
golden yellow
electric green;
fiery fragments and shards of the old face
fell to earth with a brilliant orange glow –

all because I never told you
I love you.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Shadowed Side Of A Fallen Leaf


I listened to a scientist speak on Public Radio

and discuss optimism versus pessimism.

She stated that pessimism is the default human response.

Our brain is wired and routed in such a way

that our thoughts choose the negative What-Ifs first.

It’s no wonder, then

that poets, writers, and artists alike

who spend so much time sending so many thoughts

down the wires and routes of their minds,

prefer the shadowed side

of a fallen leaf.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Simplicity Always Wins


I have defeated the Wind

and out-smarted that swinging door

outside my bedroom window.

With a small piece of rope

to bind a latch missing its lock,

I have proven that simplicity always wins.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spoiled Road


Who is the man

that drives the


Horns and sirens


streets are cleared

wherever he goes.

He can run

Red lights

and drive

on the wrong side.

No one cuts him


or stops him speeding.

How does he feel

back in his car

late for work?

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Requirements For Good Breath


Requirements for good breath:

1. Understanding of the French language

2. Lawn-mower with at least 8 horsepower

3. 4 plain white t-shirts, 5 pairs clean socks, 2 black trousers

4. The need for speed

5. A visit to the Indian subcontinent within the last 6 months

6. Verisimilitude

7. The love of a Brunette

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Discipline's Tale


8:32 am. Tuesday.

Eyes open

A few scattered thoughts

Then: “When was the last time I ran?”

“I have to run this morning, or else I lose all discipline”

Out of bed

Dress up

Bowl of cereal

Then: “Are you going to run today?”

Answered by: “Yeah, I need to”

TV turns on

9:15 am. Wednesday.

Eyes open

A few scattered thoughts

Then: “Ok, I didn’t run yesterday, today I must

“What time is it?”

Cell phone opens

Then: “9:17. I need to run now before it gets too hot”

“Alright man, get out of bed, lets do this”

Bed sheets are warm

10:06 am.

Then: “Ok, I could run later in the evening when it cools down, I don’t have to run right now

8:22 am. Thursday.

Eyes open

A few scattered thoughts

Then: “I’ve been telling myself to run for two days now. How can I run a marathon if I can’t even do 3 miles?”
“Ok, today is it. I’m doing it today”


Showerhead turns on

Water runs over skin

Then: “Well, at least I could go to the gym later if I don’t want to run”

10:15 am. Friday.

Eyes open

A few scattered thoughts


“This is ridiculous”

“I WILL run today. I will. There is no question that I will get out of bed, and just go.”



“Well, I’m a bit tired, and there is no real rush, so let me just sleep another half an hour or so.”


“Alright, am I gonna run or not?!”


Bowl of cereal


8:30 am. Saturday.

Eyes open

A few scattered thoughts

Then: “Ok, lets go.”

Run shorts are pulled up.

Tee-shirt is pulled down over.

Shoes are put on.

Stretches are done.

8:47 am.


9:13 am.

Cool down.

Then: “About 25 minutes for 2.5 miles, not bad.”

“That’s about 10 minutes a mile.”

Door opens.

Sweat drips across chest and down forehead.

Then: “Man, that did not feel good.”

Roommate at the table studying. Looks up.

Then: “How was your run?”

Answer: “I did about 10 minutes a mile.”

Comment: “Good.”

9:47 am. Sunday.

Eyes open.

A few scattered thoughts.

Then: “I need to run again today.”

10:03 am. Monday.

Cell phone rings

Hop out of bed.

Dazed: “Hello?”


Then: “No. No. I needed to wake up anyway.”


Then: “Yeah.”


Then: “Nothing. I just woke up, so no plans yet. Why, what did you want to do?”


Then: “Ok, yeah, sure. Let me just take a shower and stuff, and then I’ll come over.”


Then: “Alright, I’ll see you soon.”


Then: “Bye.”

9:18 am. Tuesday.

Eyes open.

A few scattered thoughts.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Flux + Vision



Soccer. Broken Leg. Did your father catch us? Did he hear? The sheets are stained with you. Yale. Tight white tee. Fox. Freckles that excite. Were you so alone and my timing so good, or was it serial momentum: I am a link in the chain. How do you remember me? Your soft skin, pretty face. All-American. The corner house; I still look when I drive by. We started one night -- we stopped short. Everything was stopped short – that is how I remember it. Do you remember? Did he wipe your memory clean? Link in the chain. I made my first film about you. When I told you, you freaked out, said: how dare you. But I don’t believe that – every girl wants to be someone’s muse.


A Mormon and a Jew walk into a bar. White paint. Blue hibiscus. Australian. You were so nurturing and so cruel. Hummingbird. Utah. Ohio. California. New York. Your fox nose: the peak of my fetish. I have not heard your voice in three years. Abstinence. Pain. Beauty marks, I called them – those two on your chin. There is something so spiritual about you. Insecurities turned to arrogance. Huron and civics. She caught us behind the wall. He caught us on the couch. You cried once in my car -- that vulnerability, it is the sexiest you have ever been. When you left we thought it would end, but then it did not, and then it did not, and then it did not.


Red shoes. Black hair. Repulsed. Tragic. Lies. Hotel. I remember the story you told me. You tried to kill yourself by driving into the river. Your mother stood in the middle of the road and stopped you. Another foreigner. Old brick, stone. Skirts, tights, shoes, panties, bras: photos. We took a road-trip to Saint Frank. I wanted you then as I do now. City Lights. Moonbeam and Betsy. Zebras and zebroids. No one can make me laugh like you do. Joyce, Hemingway, Plath, Hughes. It is so simple, just turn the magnet around and the pieces attract. I have never felt so conflicted as with you. Forced and mature. Euro-trash techno and front-butt instrumentals. Who is the smartest person you know?

For a filmed version of this piece, please visit the site linked below:

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Love Letter To A Blank Page


I Love You

I wanted to say


Even if

It is just to a

Blank Page

Even if

I say it with a


And not so much

A Mouth

I Love





And it’s real

And I mean it

I Love You

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009



How long do I usually set the dryer for?
36 minutes or 42?
Do I put it on High Temp, or Medium?
High, I think.
But will that shrink the new shirts I bought,
Or mess up my jeans?
I really love those jeans.
There is no buzzer when it ends.
And no way to tell if it is still
slightly damp
Or if that is just heat
in the clothes.
I pat it down with my hands, but I still can’t tell.
Sometimes I pat it against my cheek –
That never does anything.
I have come to learn that it is the
socks, the jeans, and a stray t-shirt or two
that stay wet.
I throw them back in for another 6 to 12 minutes
And fold up the rest.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009



Disconnect me. Unplug me. Tune me out. Cut me off. Shut me down. Dial me out. Erase me completely.

No commercials. No ads. No brainwashing. No spoon-feeding. No junk food. No strip malls, mega-plexes, or amusement parks.

God is dead. Politics is dead. Da Vinci, Picasso, Miro: dead.

I don’t want to dress the same as you.

I don’t want to shop in the same places as you.

I don’t want to drive the same car as you.

I don’t want to read the same books as you.

I don’t want to live in the same suburbia as you.

I don’t want to think the same thoughts as you.

I don’t want to listen to the same music as you.

I don’t want to worship the same celebrities as you.

I don’t want to watch the same television shows as you.

I don’t want to eat the same garbage as you.

My time in the house of mirrors is done.

My time feeding consumerism, commercialism, corporate America

is done.

Don’t count on me to be status quo.

Don’t count on me to lead or follow.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009




That’s a good word

Skinny as a rail


Big Glasses

Nose that protrudes like a parrot

Are those my eyes? Enormous

Why did no one tell me I look like this?

How can a photo so


still hold so much


Awkward hair

Loose fitting clothes

What a disaster.

Do I still look like that?

Burn the picture; erase it.

I never want to see Me again.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Ein Gedi


I remember it so clearly

I was standing on those rocks yesterday

Between the pools of water in the desert

Under the waterfall and a wet sun.

Whether I am romanticizing my emotions or

Actually felt them

It was a magical moment.

The anchor of summer.

I have made friends

and lost friends

and run through entire relationships

start to finish

between then and now.

I have gone from

Country to Country

City to City

House to House

Apartment to Apartment

Girl to Girl

(And back to Girl)

Friend to Friend

looking for a Job

And looking for


Who I was then wouldn’t

Recognize me

or my world


In fact,

had I stayed

Like the plan said,

Everything would be erased

Some things might have

Never even existed

Relationships and dynamics

Would be far different

And an entire

Foreign history

Would replace it.

That day on the rocks was

A fulcrum,

A line that separates an

Entire series of events




It’s the end of the fuse

And the beginning of

The bomb.

For everything that has happened since

Is my life


Everything the way it is.

But had I stayed

Like we agreed upon

That day

Everything would be different.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009



is the most
word I’ve heard in the last few years

And it was
bound to
a very powerful one:


Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

God's Eye


The gossamer glow of a distant star,

A hole in the twilight sky –

That one’s for you Brautigan.

If that golden yellow ray were liquid

It would drip so


Upon the blue and purple wonder

Of our dying days.

God’s eye through the peephole.

Hello? Can you see me?

A million tiny holes glitter

In that midnight blanket;

A million eyes of God.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Bottoms Up


Bottoms up to

Bukowski and



and the rest.

Bottoms up, because

A drink

Is the closest we’ll ever be.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Soft Focus


Sometimes I wait
Forty minutes.
I don’t wait at all.
People pass me on the sidewalk.
Cars pass,
and the passengers stare.
They judge as the look,
But I
Stare right back.

When the bus finally comes
I have my fare ready --
I hate to be the one
Who holds up the rest.

I scan for a seat
Or just hold the rail.
I never sit in the back
Even if
The only open seat is there.
I stay in the front,
Just like
I sit in front when in a classroom.
A nerd in class
A nerd on the bus.

There is a technique to
Maintaining balance on the bus
Even as it
Jolts, sways, and breaks.

I keep my ears open.
I hear so much:
German, from those two girls I always see
Going to the beach.
The conversations fascinate me.

Stephan better move his car next week
Or Teesha is going to be pissed.

Two guys talked about
A blind man they met
He took their hands
A pointed them in some
It must have been
The direction of Life.

Just fragments, though.
I never start or finish
The whole story.
I prefer it that way.
Makes the possibilities endless,
And the stories more fantastic.

What amazes me is
The most private and intimate
Can be discussed openly
A complete stranger
Is pushed up against your left shoulder
Listening to every detail.

There is a rare night
When the bus is near empty.
You and the Driver.
The city twinkles
In myriad colors
Out of focus
Than a beautiful film.
Your stop comes too soon –
If you even catch it at all.

And stepping off the bus
Into the cold night
Life returns to

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Summer Vs. Fall


In Los Angeles

Summer is a sore loser

and Fall too lazy to work.

The Santa Anas start

in October.

Sometimes it’s

cold, sometimes not, but even

the worst is over in a

week or two.

We’ve had forest

fires as late as

November with

90 degree heat.

Fall fights back

with a night or two of


and goes for the


with a week of

gloomy skies,

but that never lasts.

The only reason


has any luck is

because Summer is

too tired

to go on.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009