Soccer. Broken Leg. Did your father catch us? Did he hear? The sheets are stained with you. Yale. Tight white tee. Fox. Freckles that excite. Were you so alone and my timing so good, or was it serial momentum: I am a link in the chain. How do you remember me? Your soft skin, pretty face. All-American. The corner house; I still look when I drive by. We started one night -- we stopped short. Everything was stopped short – that is how I remember it. Do you remember? Did he wipe your memory clean? Link in the chain. I made my first film about you. When I told you, you freaked out, said: how dare you. But I don’t believe that – every girl wants to be someone’s muse.

A Mormon and a Jew walk into a bar. White paint. Blue hibiscus. Australian. You were so nurturing and so cruel. Hummingbird. Utah. Ohio. California. New York. Your fox nose: the peak of my fetish. I have not heard your voice in three years. Abstinence. Pain. Beauty marks, I called them – those two on your chin. There is something so spiritual about you. Insecurities turned to arrogance. Huron and civics. She caught us behind the wall. He caught us on the couch. You cried once in my car -- that vulnerability, it is the sexiest you have ever been. When you left we thought it would end, but then it did not, and then it did not, and then it did not.
Red shoes. Black hair. Repulsed. Tragic. Lies. Hotel. I remember the story you told me. You tried to kill yourself by driving into the river. Your mother stood in the middle of the road and stopped you. Another foreigner. Old brick, stone. Skirts, tights, shoes, panties, bras: photos. We took a road-trip to Saint Frank. I wanted you then as I do now. City Lights. Moonbeam and Betsy. Zebras and zebroids. No one can make me laugh like you do. Joyce, Hemingway, Plath, Hughes. It is so simple, just turn the magnet around and the pieces attract. I have never felt so conflicted as with you. Forced and mature. Euro-trash techno and front-butt instrumentals. Who is the smartest person you know?For a filmed version of this piece, please visit the site linked below:
Copyright Oren Peleg 2009
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