How long do I usually set the dryer for?
36 minutes or 42?
Do I put it on High Temp, or Medium?
High, I think.
But will that shrink the new shirts I bought,
Or mess up my jeans?
I really love those jeans.
There is no buzzer when it ends.
And no way to tell if it is still
slightly damp
Or if that is just heat
in the clothes.
I pat it down with my hands, but I still can’t tell.
Sometimes I pat it against my cheek –
That never does anything.
I have come to learn that it is the
socks, the jeans, and a stray t-shirt or two
that stay wet.
I throw them back in for another 6 to 12 minutes
And fold up the rest.

Copyright Oren Peleg 2009
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