You can read this introduction quick or slow
The same way you can read life.
like an empty highway,
just You trying to get from point A to point B,
task to task,
goal to goal,
book to book,
without pausing to take in
a beautiful field,
purple mountains lining the distance,
clouds as fluffed and perfectly formed
as a new pillow.
Without unwinding to rest at a roadside café,
stretch your legs
and process the journey thus far.
Quick, just to finish the trip,
scale the height,
move to the next one
without turning around
and enjoying the view
from its peak.
if you take the jammed packed highway,
on purpose.
Packed with each vehicle picking up dust,
like a million individual thoughts racing
through synapses and axons – new connections forming
at every juncture.
Highways filled with thoughts heading from
their own A to their own B.
Roses smelled, and coffee savored.
Slow, if you want to enjoy the journey –
counting and analyzing each passing car,
each passing word --
unfazed by the ambiguous length,
and excited by the prospect of
a Point B to reveal itself
Copyright Oren Peleg 2009
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