Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool
I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.
Confidence, Legacy
Purity, Motivation
Courage, Knowledge
Wisdom, Calm
Happiness –
all attributes I constantly strive for –
seem to spring from one central Truth:
an Individual’s discovery
and pursuit
of their Purpose.
The gift of Uniqueness,
of the specificity of character
(of a mental and spiritual jigsaw puzzle
graced upon us from deep within the ether of the cosmos,
the interstices of photons),
that is not now, has never been, and will never be
duplicated, or exist concurrently,
appears to me the ultimate blessing of Life,
and the reason for it all.
Caesar, Napoleon, Alexander - Leaders.
Monet The Observer.
Hitler of Oration.
Don Juan and Casanova, inherent Understanding of Women.
Mozart with the Ear of an angel, and the Melody of heaven.
Hitchcock is Suspense.
da Vinci was history’s great Learner.
Jefferson knew Structure.
Here am I
sitting alone in my room,
not doing anything with my life
not moving forward
not taking risks and learning from them,
unaware of whatever my uniqueness is,
and afraid that I, like so many others,
may never find it –
or if so, may not have the courage, and the will-power
to follow and fight for it.
I will die another grain of sand on the beach.
For those who found their hidden treasure,
either by following a map born of the same womb,
or by simply stumbling upon it
during the mindless and empty romp
life otherwise feels to be,
their indelible mark is left on everyone
they touch, and remains visible –
like a rock protruding in a stream –
throughout history,
for all who care to look.
As for the rest of us,
the hunt in never over, that is,
Copyright Oren Peleg 2009
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